The Katz Modern Line Dancers!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Week beginning 17th January 2011

Dear Dancers,

All classes are on as normal this week - please go to to see all venues and class times in West Wickham, Kent, and also in West Sussex..

Thank you!!

BOURNEMOUTH TRIP - balance now due please...

Please could you bring your balance to your classes this week, or pop them in the post to me - as I have to make sure the cheques clear in time for the hotel and coach to be paid......

One little note about the Friday night in Bournemouth before I go - it is NOT a fancy dress night - it may 'feel' a little like a Wedding reception tho so please just wear your glad rags!! on SATURDAY night we are having a themed fancy dress night - and the theme is PIRATES OR THE BEACH....!!! use your imaginations to think about what you could dress up as - Pirates are the obvious choice - and nothing wrong with that at all if thats what you want to dress up as, BUT, a deep sea diver would be hilarious! if not impossible to dance in !! haha!! Its up to you - and as always - fancy dress is OPTIONAL!!! so you do not have to dress up if you dont want's your choice :)

Can I just take this opportunity to thank those of you that came along to last nights party (Jan 15th) in the Newell Centre, and helped to raise money for St. Wilfred's hospice with our charity raffle.....we made £80 (exactly!!) which will be sent to the hospice a.s.a.p! thank you all very much for joining in :)

I think that's all for now - if you need to contact me simply call or text me on 07799741288 or email me on

See you all in a class very soon!!

Take care

Julie xxx

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