The Katz Modern Line Dancers!

Monday, 18 October 2010

Monday 18th October 2010

hello everyone!

Just a quickie today!

firstly YES WE ARE OPEN tonight in Oak see you there!

Secondly A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came to the Viking Party it was fab! Those of you who missed it, really need to try to get to the next one as we always have such a lot of fun at them!

Thirdly - my apologies - but the proposed new class starting on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2ND has been CANCELLED!!! I have been informed that there are other classes operating on Tuesday evenings that clash with the times of the new class, and so as to not upset the applecart I am currently looking for a hall on a THURSDAY evening as originally planned. So sorry to keep messing about with this, but I was completely unaware that these other classes existed (trust me eh!? haha) and now I do I think it's only fair to do my best not to 'compete' with long running clubs for customers.

So do keep an eye on this page for updates on the new Intermediate/Advanced class and Ill try my best to find a venue in or around Chichester very soon.

Thats all for now - see you in a class sometime very soon...

Julie x

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