The Katz Modern Line Dancers!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Week beginning April 26th 2010

Dear Dancers,

Just a quickie!!

first of all my apologies for the Westergate School Hall being unusable last week. I have been reassured that it WILL be clean and ready for us tomorrow...HOWEVER!!! should I arrive there and it isn't ready we will be going around the back of the school in to the aerobics hall as we did in a hurry last week!!

I do hope no one thought we weren't there last week - because we were - just slightly out of sight! Despite our best efforts (mainly Janes!!!) we do know a few people missed the hastily written sign stuck on the school door and drove away...

Please do come along tomorrow and look out for a sign on the hall doors if you cannot see anyone in the hall - we WILL be in the sports centre - one minute away BEHIND the school instead!!

I dunno - what a kerfuffle!!!!!!

Fridays and Saturdays classes are to run as normal this week!

Mondays class is closed as its a BANK HOLIDAY! so we will see you the week after!!


As you will all know by now we are off the the lovely WESSEX HOTEL next February 18th - 20th!!! Please do email me for a copy of the booking form if you havent had one - or text me on 07799741288 and I will bring one along to your class instead :)

I am pleased to say that the trip is selling really well - with the first 16 supplement free single places all taken already!!!! I have no one left on my reserved list now for a single place, so the 17th and final supplement free single place is up for grabs on a first come first served basis!!! All other singles booking after this place has gone will unfortunately have to pay an extra £20 for the trip....which is only £10 per night - so not so bad if you look at it that way!

ok thats all for me for now - take it easy people - and Ill see you in a class sometime very soon!

Julie x

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