The Katz Modern Line Dancers!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Photo in Chichester Observer - page 13

Dear Dancers,

I have been told that theres a photograph of the Westergate Intermediates Class in today Chichester Observer...I haven't seen the evidence myself, mainly because Andy left the paper at work.....ho hum!

However, I have been contacted by several people confirming this it must be true!

I knew I'd get into the papers one day......I'm just so glad it wasn't via the same route one of my cousins took several years ago which led to her being in The News Of The World!!!

(Do NOT ask ok? haha)

I'm looking forward to week three of our new class in Aldingbourne tomorrow - and hope to see even more new faces in the crowd....who I have to say - are fab!

Look forward to seeing you all again very soon.....

Other news this week is the launch of our new 'message board' or 'forum' ! We opened it to the world only two days ago and already have 40 members....some are dancers from the Viking, Some are dancers from The Katz Line Dance Club, and some are friends and colleagues from the wider line dance community.....

If you would like to join our online line dance community then its simple!

All you have to do is click here to go straight there and join up - if you experience any difficulties in registering for the forum, please would you email me on and I will be able to help you get on board (geddit? on 'board'? oh never mind!)

Even if you dont want to join in with the chat on the board, you can read it and pick up hints and tips about linedancing and whats going on in the wider social scene.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Take care

Julie x

Take care

Julie x

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