Dear dancers,
We are very lucky to still have nice warm sunny days as we go out of September and into October, and I hope you are enjoying the sunshine as much as I am!
Firstly I would like to say a bit WELCOME TO THE CLUB to all of the new people who have recently joined my classes in both Kent and West Sussex - we hope you are enjoying the dancing and the smiles and that you will continue to come along for many years to come!
If you have yet to join any of my classes please go to and take a look at the 'classes' tab - where you will see what levels I teach, where, and when!
Here is a list of some of the events coming up in the club...
Halloween Party Night - Newell Centre - Chichester - 31st October - please email me for details.
November Viking Party Weekend - Friday 6th - Sunday 8th November - my classes over the weekend are on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10.45 a.m. - 1 p.m. they are predominately aimed at Improver to Advanced dancers, but our new dancers are welcome to come along at the beginning for a couple of dances aimed at them! We all had to start somewhere!
For all acts and more details of the November party please go to Andy's Viking website
You will also find details on there of all of the other acts due to appear on Saturday nights at the club up until line dancing ends there this year on December 12th. (Linedancing at the viking will resume at the beginning of March 2016)
Katz Christmas Parties!!
the dates are:
Viking - Saturday 12th December
Oak Lodge - Monday 14th December
Newell Centre - Thursday evening 17th December
Newell Centre - Friday afternoon 18th December!!
All Christmas parties will have a christmas/sparkly dress code - there will be raffles and shared buffets in all parties (except the Viking party)....and lots of fun and laughter - guaranteed!
Places are now being filled for our Annual Katz Holiday to the Wessex Hotel in Bournemouth in February if you would like to join us - please don't leave it too late as once we are full, we are FULL!
For details of any of these above events please contact me on and I will get back to you asap!!
Well that's all from me for now - I look forward to seeing you on the dancefloor somewhere very soon!
Julie x