Hi everyone!
Just popping in to remind you that all classes are back on as normal now!
Please see our main website www.linedancingevents.com for venues / times / prices!
My Thursday, Saturday and Monday classes are modern and include a mix of music from all genres!
My Friday afternoon class is my 'simply line dance' class, and is a more traditional style of class, using 99 percent country music!! If you prefer country music, then THIS is your class.!!
Having said that I also teach to country music across ALL of my classes, enabling all of my dancers to go out social dancing with ease!
Don't forget that this coming Friday evening at Oak Lodge in West Wickham And and I are throwing you a SPRING PARTY - doors open 7.30....£6 each! BYO drinks etc, there will also be a great prize raffle! if you would like to come please drop me an email to julieandthekatz@msn.com
And so as not to leave the Sussex Crew out of the fun, on SATURDAY night in Felpham Community College we have another SPRING PARTY - doors open 7.15 (dancing starts 7.30) £6 each, BYO drinks etc, this party will include an EASTER BONNET competition with a great prize for the best one! There is a seasonal raffle too! If you would like to come to this one, then just drop me an email to julieandthekatz@msn.com!
See you somewhere on a dance floor very soon!
Julie x