The Katz Modern Line Dancers!

Monday, 21 December 2009


Dear Dancers,

Can you believe it's almost the end of 2009 already?! We have just ONE more class this year - and thats THIS Wednesday, 23rd December in Westergate.

We had three lovely parties last week - the balloon challenge was an eye opener! (Photos to follow....) I just want to end the year with a summing up of what has been a great year for me of linedancing and fun......

What a great year I have had dancing with all of you lovely people! I consider myself to be incredibly lucky to be in the position of running classes full of such lively fun loving people. Each and every one of you are important to me, I look forward to seeing your smiley faces before each class opens!

Im not just saying this to butter you up either! I truly mean it - my lovely 'London' crew, with incredible people like Kellie, Christine, Suzannah, Debbie, Isabel, Lisa, Viv, Pat, Jean, Linda-Carol and Carol-Linda, Sarah Lou and Paige, Jeanette, Diane and their gorgeous daughters and the rest! And our brilliant 'early class' dancers such as Doreen, Vera, Rene, Brenda, Eileen and could I fail to smile on a Monday morning when I wake up and know that later in the day I'm going to be greeted by a mass of smiling, cheerful easy going brilliant people?

Some people have questioned my sanity about continuing the class in West Wickham - wondering why I would want to drive so far every week to carry on teaching you. Well, Ive just answered that one everyone - because I LOVE THEM!!

Thank you all so much for your cards and prezzies, Ive been very good and they are still wrapped up under my slightly ad hoc Christmas tree, waiting for me to open them on Christmas morning !

When I started up my class in Westergate (originally in Phillip Howard School) I was nervous about it, not knowing how I would be accepted into this new community. I needn't have worried for one second as the people that joined the class on Wednesday nights turned out to be just as fun loving as I was!!!! With people like Linda, Jane and her lovely daughter Charley, Jane-Kate and Kate-Jane, Chris from the Barnham Bridge Inn, all our lovely little dancers that make up my front row! Mick, Liz, Kim, Richard, the very quiet and sensible Julie and her slightly cheeky looking hubby Bill, Gill, Ian, Paul and Nicki....our dancing sisters Jean and Paulina, Sue, Mick the Butcher, and so many more could I fail to enjoy this class just as much as I enjoy Monday nights? The answer is I couldnt - and I wouldnt want to be without any of you - you light up my days with your smiles, friendly encouragement and enthusiasm for Line dancing......thank you for your brilliant Christmas prezzies! The cat theme was very much appreciated - I loved opening each gift so thoughtfully wrapped one by one by our lovely Linda.....and the mummy cat and her two little kittens now have pride of place on the speaker next to the TV as I type!

Fridays little afternoon class was a new venture for me this year - initially we tried a beginner class followed by improver but it didnt entirely work and so the improvers class has be held back whilst we concentrate on attracting new dancers into our hobby. The people that have joined this class are, once again, fun loving indivuals that NEVER fail to make me laugh every time we meet up - this could be down to the exceptionally funny Chris (with the hat) and Chris (without the hat!) and their escapades -- although the laughter that comes from the back row girls (Jane, Linda, Maria etc) makes me wonder what Im missing out on at times being stuck at the front!

I love Fridays class just as much as the other two classes - they are brilliant people! Anne and Jim are always up for a giggle, Debbie, Brenda, Sandra, Jackie and our newest member Pat have taken to linedancing like ducks to water (we arent going to mention the progressive partner dance we learned this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I think we have created several potential line dance addicts, about which I am very proud! Thank you for your prezzies everyone - once again beautifully wrapped by our Linda and cat themed......! brilliant!!

Teaching at the Viking club is a pleasure for me too - many of the dancers at the club have been dancing there for years, and have seen the coming and going of several instructors before my arrival in 2006. They took me under their wing, and any early apprehension I may have had about teaching a very gifted class of intermediate dancers soon dissapated (impressed with my big word eh?)and I very quickly began to look forward to Saturday afternoons in the company of such lovely people like Roger (ROGER!!!!), Helen, Ann, Yvonne, Welsh Annie, Sue, Angie, Sally, Sue and lorna the end of the last season I was looking forward to that break from teaching on Saturdays but by now I've had enough rest and am looking forward to getting back to the club in March to start a new season of brilliant dances (probably not yet written!!), with this fab group of people who I now consider to be as special and as precious as the dancers in my own classes.....

And before anyone asks me if Ive been drinking, no I havent! haha - Ijust thought Id take this opportunity to let you all know just how special you all are in my life, and if you cant tell people that at Christmas, well, when else can you!?

Im going to take this opportunity to wish you all a very very Merry Christmas and a happy new year - and I look forward to seeing you all in January......Im on the mend now for sure, blood tests are all normal, iron levels are going up, and with only a tiny bit of a cough left I think I can safely say that this horrible virus that has had a hold on me for the past month is well and truly behind me. Thank you all as well for all your well wishes and real concern for my health - Im only sorry that you all looked so worried!

Take care everyone, Im now going to sit back in front of my lovely warm wood burning stove with Andy and watch a nice Christmassy film.

Lots of love

Julie xxx (and Andy xxx)

Sunday, 13 December 2009


Dear Dancers,

Well, the good news is that Im finally (fingers crossed) on the mend, tho not quite firing on ALL cylinders, enough of them are working for me to have the energy to have three parties this week!! whoop whoop!!!

So with that in mind the details are as follows:


Doors open at 7 p.m. all levels!!

Please bring along a plate of something to share, and your own drinks for your own tables.....

We will be having a raffle so please bring along a pound or two to take part....and lets see out the year in style with all your requests, and a bit of fun and games too!


After much deliberation it has been decided to bring the PARTY FORWARD TO THIS WEEK!! It was originally planned to take place on the 23rd but we have now found out that a large number of dancers will not be around on Christmas Eve Eve to join us for fun and frolics, and so we are partying on the 16th instead!! However, there will still be a class on the 23rd to finish off the year with a bit of a festive boogie - so no doubt it will feel like we are having two parties in a row!!

The Raffle will take place this week on the 16th only tho!

Doors open at 7 p.m. all levels!!

Please bring along a plate of something to share, and your own drinks for your own tables.....

We will be having a raffle so please bring along a pound or two to take part....and lets see out the year in style with all your requests, and a bit of fun and games too!


Our newest and smallest club will be celebrating Christmas in style this Friday, so please do don your gladrags and get ready to party by bringing along a small plate of food for us all to share and a couple of pounds for the raffle!

I will play all your requests and we will be having a bit of fun and games see you there! Doors open at 1 p.m. .....

Well thats it peeps - see you soon - all dressed up and glam! (that's you not be - try as hard as I do, I never quite manage glam and at most 'brushed up' is all I ever acheive!!!)

Take care

see you soon!!

Julie xxx

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Update - Tuesday 8th December....

Dear Dancers,

Well, I 'am' improving (I think) at last! but not 100 percent yet......although Im going to be brave enough to stick my neck out and say that tomorrows class in WESTERGATE SCHOOL will go ahead!!! *touches wood!

The class tomorrow (8th Dec) is NOT in the usual place (school hall) as it is being used for a school Christmas production. Intead please drive around to the 6 villages sports centre (just behind the school - follow the drive round to the left) and come into the main entrance where you will be directed up to the 'Drama Studio' on the first floor.

The Drama studio is not big enough for everyone to fit into at once - so we are operating TWO SEPARATE CLASSES just for tomorrow.

6.30 - 7.45 BEGINNERS ONLY PLEASE!!! If you arrive for the 8 o'clock class please wait outside the doors until the beginners have finished.

8 - 9.50 Improvers/Intermediates only....these dances will not be suitable for beginners.

I will try my best to teach you some new dances tomorrow night but if I find myself run out of energy I will have to revert to a request night...I hope this is ok with everyone, and can only apologise once again for having a rubbish immune system that has been knocked out by two viruses!!!!!

Hope to see you tomorrow! We will have a list by the door so that you can start to write down what you may like to bring along to our Christmas party which will be on the 23rd December....starting at 7. p.m.


Very sorry but there is no class this Friday as I have a prior engagement that cannot be cancelled. But we will see you the following week for our Christmas Party! whoop whoop!!


Keep those fingers crossed that my energy levels have returned folks for Mondays drive up to town - as we really want to end the year on a high note and a Christmas party for you all!! Watch this space for updates....

Thats all for now peeps!

Take care and hope to see you soon.

Julie xxx

Sunday, 6 December 2009


Dear Dancers,

Much as it truly truly TRULY pains me to do this, I'm afraid that I have decided to close tomorrows class in West Wickham (Monday 7th December) due to feeling no better today with this virus/flu that I have had for three weeks now....

Please do email me on or text me on 07799741288 if you would like to be added to my email/text list for updates on class closures etc.

The 14th is our final one before Christmas and will be our party night! As we now have no chance to make a list of 'who's bringing what food' to the party perhaps you could cast your minds back to previous parties and bring the same thing again?

Its not a great plan Ill grant you! but it IS a plan!! (my brain hurts!)

so for instance - if you came to the summer party - and brought a plate of food - perhaps you could bring the same again? but! (there had to be one right?)

what if you werent at the summer party?!! well - perhaps you can cast your mind further back to last Christmas and bring what you brought then!!!?!? haha

This isnt going to work well is it girls? Well, we can but try eh!? Im bringing the plates, bowls, forks and serviettes....all we need now is the food!

Remember to bring your own drinks for your own table - and some coins for the raffle too!

We have a lovely HUGE 'snowman' from erm The Snowman as one of the prizes, or a lovely bottle of wine - or a huge tin of Quality street! and perhaps one or two other prizes too......

Thats all for now folks - if you are a member of my Wednesday class and are reading this wondering if Wednesdays class will go ahead - all I can say at the moment - is I have no idea - and please watch this space.....I truly hope to be better by Wednesday - or at least on the road to recovery.....keep those fingers crossed!

Take care everyone and see you all sometime soon.

Julie xxx

Saturday, 5 December 2009

An update on my illness.....December 6th....

Dear Dancers,

Well,I would love to be on here telling you all that Im fit and healthy once more but unfortunately that isnt quite the case....

I am still recovering from the effects of two nasty cold/flu viruses (one on top of the other) and think my recovery may take a little longer than anticipated.

I cannot tell you what a bad patient I am! I hate being ill, I hate having to 'rest', and I hate not being able to go out and about as normal. But most of all I hate not being able to dance and to teach....:(

Some days are better than others, and just as I think Im turning a corner and getting better the following day Im worse than ever.....the doctors have sent me for a chest xray to check how my chest infection is going, and the results should be back in a week.

In the meantime, Im stuck indoors, doing nothing (which is truly driving me crazy!) just waiting to get better - Andy is looking after me really well, but is now beginning to come down with some flu symptoms himself.....lets hope he doesnt get it too bad himself, or we will both need looking after and will be putting out an advert for a nurse!

I hope you arent missing your dancing too much - Linda very kindly ran the Friday afternoon class for me yesterday - taking in her own cd system and having a little social for the group - thank you so much Linda - it was much appreciated by me and I know, by the dancers themselves.

At the moment Mondays class looks doubtful - so please do check on here before setting off for class on Monday - I will post a message by Sunday evening letting you know if the class is on or off.

I truly hope I am able to do Wednesdays class - as that will be almost four weeks Ive been ill by then....and they tell me its not the flu! Yes well I have my own opinion on that!

Thats all for now folks, as I say, please do pop back on here on Sunday evening for an update of how things are, and Ill end this by saying once again how sorry I am that the classes are all so up in the air at the moment. I have already bought some lovely raffle prizes for your Christmas parties so I do hope so much that they will all go ahead.

Keep your fingers crossed for me eh!?

take care everyone and hope to see you sometime soon.

Julie xxx

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Dear Dancers,

I am so sorry but I cannot run the class for you tonight as I am still very unwell.

I appear to have caught a second virus on top of the first one and have been ordered to stay in by my doctor.

Next week the hall is being used by the school for a christmas show and so we have been offered use of the Drama studio - which is quite small and so i will have to split the class into two groups.

beginners 6.30 - 7.45
improvers/intermediates 8 - 9.45

please allow the beginners time to leave before you arrive as there isnt enough room in the studio for everyone.

so sorry about tonights class - hopefully ill be ok for next week - but please do check back on here to make sure before you set out for class.

take care everyone and hope to see you soon.

Julie xxx